[fullwidth backgroundcolor=”” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_opacity=”0.5″ video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” bordersize=”0px” bordercolor=”” borderstyle=”solid” paddingtop=”20px” paddingbottom=”20px” paddingleft=”0px” paddingright=”0px” menu_anchor=”” equal_height_columns=”no” hundred_percent=”no” class=”” id=”contributecontent”][fusion_text]

Friends of Lotus

Every gift counts!  When you make a donation as a Friend of Lotus, you bring the world to our community and make a difference for thousands of people — of all ages and backgrounds — who experience Lotus programs each year.[/fusion_text][section_separator divider_candy=”” icon=”” icon_color=”” bordersize=”1px” bordercolor=”” backgroundcolor=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]Friends of Lotus gifts support the annual operating budget that makes all Lotus initiatives possible, including Lotus Blossoms K-12 Educational Outreach, summer Visual Arts Outreach, and the Lotus World Music & Arts Festival.  Friends of Lotus may also direct gifts to the Lotus-Fitzgerald Endowment and Lee Williams Artist Fund.

Want to make big impact that works for your budget and schedule? Please consider joining our Encore Circle of sustaining monthly donors and help ensure consistent support for Lotus programs.

Rather mail in a gift?  Our mailing address is PO Box 1667, Bloomington, IN 47402.  Checks should be made out to “Lotus Education & Arts Foundation”.

Friends of Lotus gifts come from individuals or households; if you are interested in sponsoring Lotus through your business, please click here.[/fusion_text][menu_anchor name=”friends-list”][fusion_text]

Thank you to our 2017 Friends of Lotus!

We update this page once a year in January, for the prior completed fiscal year.  If you made a 2017 contribution and do not see your name on this list, please contact us at 812-336-6599.  Looking for a list of our generous business sponsors?  Please click here.
* notes a 2017 supporter of the Lotus Fitzgerald Endowment
+ notes an Encore Circle monthly sustaining donor
> notes a 2017 supporter of our Capital Campaign


> Jane Clay & Gary Hafner
+ > Doug & Sam Eibling
> Ivy Tech Community College
> Miah & Jonathan Michaelsen
> Ewan Schmid
Armen Vartian & Candice Foss
> R. Scott & Pamela Walters
> The Raymond Foundation


> Charles & Kathy Aiken
> Sandra Clark
> Jillian Kinzie & Jo Throckmorton
> Judy Klein & Malcolm Dalglish
+ > Laura Plummer & Mike Nelson


> Patty & Danny Callison
Stephen & Jo Ellen Ham
Linda Handelsman
* Cindy Houston
+ > Michael McGuire
+ > Sharon McGuire
Jeff Mease
>* Kevin Montague
> Andy & Barbara Qualls
> Sarah Ryterband
+ > Robert & Marie Shakespeare
+ Allison Stites & Richard Ham
Jill Bolte Taylor
Doug & Kristin Varella
> Diane Ward & Larry Phelps
> Charlotte Zietlow


> Alain Barker & Liz Rosdeitcher
> Rachel Chrastil
> Beverly Colin & Mat Orrego
> Laurel Cornell & Bill White
> Pam & Jef Davidson & Family
> Tom Gallagher
Mary Goetze & Bob Althauser
* Melody Gongwer
> Jan Grant & David Lawler
> Mark Hood & Chris Haack
> Joyce Krothe
> Patricia Muller & Jill Jolliff
> Laura and Nick Patterson
> Josh Perry & Shelli Yoder
> Linda Raymond & Michael Cain
> Shawn Reynolds & Pam Eddy
Eric & Laura Scheper
> Nancy Shin
+ Esther Millen Smail
Sally Sturgeon
Teresa Swift & Thomas Bennett
> Jason Wilber & Michelle Mattoon
> Loren and Lindsay Wood


Mark & Mary Clare Bauman
+ Caroline Beebe
Hannah Buxbaum
Nicholas Carder
Gordon & Stephanie Dyott
> Bob Flynn & Yvonne Wittman & Family
Forrest Fowler
> Sally Gaskill & Massimo Ossi
Gerry Girman
Bill & Carol Hetrick
> LuAnne & Bill Holladay
Megan Hutchison
> Wayne Jackson
Eric Johnson
> Ellen Ketterson
Rita Koryan & Kaya Sahin
> Tamara Loewenthal & Jamie Gans
> Loraine Martin
Michael & Laurie McRobbie
> Eric & Patricia Orth
Genevieve Pritchard
> Anne Rasmussen & Dan Millison
Jean Robinson
> Michael Shermis
+ > Leah Shopkow
> Rob Stone & Karen Green Stone
Susan Wannamaker
Carl Weinberg & Beth Gazley
> Doug Wissing


Marielle Abell
Bob & Trisha Aiken
Sudhir and Lori Bhaskar
> Ruth Boshkoff
Jim Caughlin & Leanne Ellis
+ > EJ Ernsberger
+ > Sunni Fass & Robert Gobin
Jenny Herdrich & Don Herdrich, Jr.
+ > Brandi Host
Emily Hutchison
> Tina Jernigan
Ted Jones
Dan & Beth Lodge-Rigal
+ Nancy Lorey
> Keith Lyle
Richard and K. Rene Malone
Pat & Jane Martin
+ Mary McCarty & David Mann
> Robert Meitus & Carrie Newcomer
Marta & John Miller
+ Janavi Nigudkar
>* Merrill & Deborah Piston-Hatlen
+ Eliot & Pamela Smith
Sharon Stefanek & Steve Hedges
Lloyd & Beth Williams
Sandi & David Wood
> Landon Yoder


Patricia & Gates Agnew
Nina & Michael Alexeev
Steve Arbuckle
Kathy Avers
Penny & Robert Austin
> Sarah Baumgart & William Lozowski
Marci Becker
Dor Ben-Amotz
Wendy & Ed Bernstein
Raglind Binkley
Hall Bjornstad
> Cindy & Craig Blorstad
> Nancy Boatner
Marsha Bradford & Harold A. Dumes
Cynthia Bretheim
Gail Bridges-Rea
Susan Bright & Greg Raggo
Jim & Evelyn Brophy
+ > Duane Busick
Fred & Sandra Churchill
Geoffrey & Karen Conrad
Charles & Kim Decker
Mary Kay Donovan
Melinda Doster
Mike & Sally Dunn
Terrence Durkin & Lisa Martin
Carol & David Fairbanks
Harriet & Bill Fierman
Patricia Foster & Andrew Hanson
Anne Fraker
Don & Sandra Freund
+ Allyson Gergely
Tom & Nancy Gettinger
Billy Giles
Jim & Connie Glen
Wendi & Garth Goodlett
> Susie & Andy Graham
> Kimberly Gray
Sharon Grimble
Philippa Guthrie & Alex Tanford
> Chris & Kathy Gutowsky
+ > Suzanne & James Halvorson
Russell & Connie Hanson
Eric Heckler
Julia Heiman & Johan Verhulst
Steve Hendricks
Adam Herman
Marsha Herman-Betzen
Ruth Hickman
Homer Hogle
Susan Leyrer Holland
Chris Holmes & David Burkhart
Mary Hubbard
Jim Krause & Anne Hurley
> Paul & Laura Hutchison
> Deb Hutton & Sharon Yarber
Gary & Helen O’C Ingersoll
Martha Jacobs
Jerry & Laura Jesseph
Katherine & Daniel Kearns
> John and Mary Kennedy
Sylvia & Jack King
Adam Kirschenbaum
Susan Klein & Robert Agranoff
Kara Krothe
Jay Ladin
Frank Lester & Diana Lambdin
> Richard Linnemeier
Michael Litwin & Mary Blizzard
Randy & Jennifer Lloyd
Todd Lothery & Katherine Wiles
Charles & Sharon McKeen
Geoff McKim & Amy Cornell
Patricia McManus
Ms. Valerie C. Merriam
Lorna Lou Moir
Gilbert Mordoh
Amy Morgan
Linda Hunt & Tim Morrison
Darryl Neher & Jeanette Heidewald
Harold & Denise Ogren
Gary & Anne Palmer
> Paul Papier
Charles Parker and Polly Lybrook
Amy Payne & Chase Martin
John Peterson
+ Brett Pfingston
Sarah Phillips
> Ben & Isabel Planton
Elizabeth & David Plant
Huma & Douglas Rife
Tom & Dee Rillo
Carol Rockhold
Kate Rosenbarger & Ryan Hesselink
Kathy Ruesink
Louise Schlesinger
Peg Stice & Brice Adams
Rex & Nancy Stockton
Carney & Dorothyann Strange
Shirley Swinford
Diane & Terence Thayer
> James & Amy Thomas
Rachel & Alberto Varon
Sonya Wolen & Richard Gilbert
> Paul & Anita Yoder
> Martha Zuppann

Up to $99

Janie & Ben Ackerman
Ruth Albright
Rae & Jacquelyn Allen
> Elaine Amerson
Gena Asher & William Watts
Lynn & Tom Bagley
> Jennifer Bass & Michael Hamburger
> Mark Bender
Judy Bennett
Kim Binford
Jeff & Becky Bloomgarden
> Julian Boatner
> Kelvin Boatner & Jessica Blough
Hannah Bolton
Gail & Steven Bray
Mary Ellen Brown
> Alan & Deb Burdette
> Jo Burgess
Kelly Carnahan
> Bev Carson
Denise Cavanaugh
Tzu-I Chiang & Ray Lo
Ms. Olivia Colin
Christina Collins & Caesar Pacifici
Daniel & Deborah Conkle
Pat Conway
Kim Davis & Nancy Kalina
Janet & John Decker
* Ann Deutch & Tom Hougham
Ellen Dwyer
Debra & Claude Eastridge
> Ron Eid
> Mike Englert & Ambica Prakash
> Paula Fall
> Alan & Elaine Fass
> William Fatout
Kristopher Floyd
> Tom Flynn
Timothy Fort
> Suz Frederickson
Lynne Gilliatt
> Spencer Goehl
Daniel Grundmann & Julie Paris
> Nishanie Gunawardane
Amy Hackenberg & Erik Tillema
> Shelly Hahn
John Hamilton and Dawn Johnsen
Melinda Hamilton
Ali Hansen
Chris Hawes
> Richard & Cathy Hiatt
> Tom Hickey
> Ryan Holquist
George Huntington III
> William Inlow
Mary Lou Johnson
> Kelly Kasper
Brian Kearney
Tanya Kennedy
Sherry Knighton-Schwandt & Thomas Schwandt
Nancy & Peter Koenig
Abby Ladin & Sam Bartlett
> Briana Lander
Carolyn Lantz
Jim Laughlin & Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin
Julie Lawson
Brad Leftwich & Linda Higginbotham
> Nancy Lethem
Katharine Liell & Michael McNeil
Barbara Livesey
> Suzanne Lodato
Tiffani Lovell
Mary Madore
> Rebecca Mankowski
Suzanne & Bob Mann
Rebecca Manring & Tim Bagwell
> Rosalind & Hugh Mark
Barbara Marks & Elaine Hartman
Danielle McClelland & Susan Ferentinos
Connie MCLennan & Michael McLennan
Kate & Nick Miller
Suzanne Mittenthal
Alison LaRosa Móntez
> Gregory Moore
> Rhett Moore
Lee Mysliwiec & Elizabeth Gwynn
Deeksha Nagar
Chemain Nanney
Sarah & David Noggle
> Donna Nosofsky
> Anonymous
Ron Osgood
Vicki Pappas
> Leah Peck
Linda & Charles Pickle
> Katy Pittman
Jennifer & Ryan Piurek
> Gary Plaford
> Elizabeth & David Plant
+ Ellen Plummer & James Spencer
> Daniel Polsby
> Keegan Ramey
> Charles Reafsnyder & Faridah Pawan
Stanley Ritchie
> Crystal Ritter
Jennifer & James Robinson
> Candace Rodman
> John Ronald
William La Rosa
Laurence Rosenhein
Tim & Sharon Roualet
> Angel Rudd
Eric and Lee Ann Sandweiss
Jonathan Schlesinger & Nikki Skillman
Drew Schrader
Margie & Drew Schrader
> Carol Seaman
Melissa Segarra
Stephanie Serriere
Scott Shackelford
> Melissa Short
> Marion Sinclair
> Kasi Spyker-Duncan
> Jen Staab
> Gary Staley
Carrie Docherty Steele & Ryan Steele
Emily Stern
> Barbara Stutz
> Mark Szymendera
> John Talley
Angela Trop and Jeffrey
> Ted Unwin
Gracia Valliant
Marcia Veldman
Steve & Kathy Weller
> Marcy and Michael Wenzler
> Jenni Wilkinson
> Emily Winters
Yetta Wolen
> Jane St. John & Bob Woolford
> Tom Zeller

Lotus sincerely apologizes for any inadvertent errors or omissions.[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]

Your contributions, large and small, make our work possible. When you donate to Lotus, you commit to helping foster the love of the diversity of the world’s cultures in South Central Indiana. There are many ways to donate to Lotus. Click “Donate” for more information.