Volunteer Profile: Kevin Atkins

How did you first hear about the Lotus organization?
I think the first hint of Lotus I got was hearing Gabriel Yacoub on WFHB back in, maybe 1996…   such haunting modal harmony. (Hear what Kevin is talking about here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6EF3mPuCZU)

What initially inspired you to volunteer for our organization?
In 1998 I got my first digital camera…  and went from taking maybe 10-20 photos a year to taking thousands.  I was also dabbling in web work, and thought I might be of some use, taking photos and getting them online quickly, so in 1999 I asked Lee if it would be OK, and he was all like “OK, I guess, don’t get in the way.”

What volunteer jobs have you performed?
Always photography, and cat herding.

Which volunteer experiences have you most enjoyed?  Why?
I just like having something to do, while being at the festival…

How would you describe to a friend why they should attend or volunteer for the Lotus Festival?
I think Lotus is the best cultural event in a town full of great cultural events…  it’s fantastic to just attend (I presume, having not done that 🙂 ), but it feels good to contribute in some way.

What is your favorite Lotus moment?
There have been SO many!  Spending two days with Trio Brasiliero a few years ago was really fun, they are such beautiful men…  Hanging out with the Matapat and Le Vent du Nord guys when they were here for Lotus, and Blossoms, getting lattes at Soma with Tamara.  Shooting in the intimate setting of the WFHB studios during interviews.  But, still, my favorite is 2002, Waldron Arts Center, upstairs, Miguel Poveda flamenco.  Me, on the floor in the aisle with my Olympus C3040z, looking through the tiny viewfinder, tears streaming down my face from the beauty and sadness in the dancer’s performance.  I had NO IDEA what flamenco was until then.

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