Rio Mira
(Para español, vaya abajo)
Rio Mira — named for the river that separates Ecuador and Colombia — brings together marimba masters Esteban Copete and Larry Preciado with Ecuadorian singer Karla Kanora and an ensemble of Afro-Latino folkloric musicians from the Colombian city of Cali and the Ecuadorian city of Esmeraldas. The Pacific Coast of these countries is a musical habitat of East African diaspora traditions tied together by marimba. The marimba music of Colombia and Ecuador was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2015, and Rio Mira aims to preserve this treasure. The liquid sound of the marimbas and lilting call-and-response vocals are unique and unforgettable: “There is nothing quaint or old-fashioned about this intriguing and enchanting band” (The Guardian).
Friday, September 28
Saturday, September 29
Presented in partnership with the IU Auditorium.
This engagement of Rio Mira is funded through Southern Exposure: Performing Arts of Latin America, a program of Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.
This presentation is supported by the Arts Midwest Touring Fund, a program of Arts Midwest that is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional contributions from the Indiana Arts Commission and the Crane Group.
Rio Mira (Ecuador / Colombia)
Marimba de Ecuador y Colombia
Rio Mira, llamado así por el río que separa Ecuador y Colombia, reúne a los maestros de la marimba Esteban Copete y Larry Preciado con la cantante ecuatoriana Karla Kanora y un conjunto de músicos folclóricos afro-latinos de la ciudad colombiana de Cali y la ciudad ecuatoriana de Esmeraldas. La costa del Pacífico de estos países es un hábitat musical de las tradiciones de la diáspora de África oriental unidas por la marimba. La marimba de Colombia y Ecuador fue declarada Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial por la UNESCO en 2015, y Río Mira busca preservar este tesoro. El sonido líquido de las marimbas y las melodiosas voces de llamada y respuesta son únicos e inolvidables: “No hay nada pintoresco ni pasado de moda en esta intrigante y encantadora banda” (The Guardian).