Lotus Blossoms

Introducing Lotus Blossoms 2015

Introducing Lotus Blossoms 2015

What better way to welcome spring than with Blossoms! This February and March, the 2015 Lotus Blossoms line-up takes center stage in our schools and our community.  Lotus Blossoms is an educational outreach program that enables youth and community members alike to...

Postcards from Lotus Blossoms

Postcards from Lotus Blossoms

This year’s Lotus Blossoms has come and gone, leaving indelible images of Indiana kids at moments of marvelous discovery: drumming with an Ivory Coast musician; watching Indian dancers tell stories with exquisite gestures; stomping feet to Quebecois rhythms. For many...

Dancing Lotus Blossoms – From India to Indiana

Dancing Lotus Blossoms – From India to Indiana

The first week of Lotus Blossoms was a beautiful whirlwind of Indian folk traditions with our new friends, Kalapriya. By the time the group headed back to their home base in Chicago, Pranita Jain, Anu Bhatt, and Rouchana Igoudina had traveled four counties and...

Twenty Years of Lotus and IU

Twenty Years of Lotus and IU

Indiana University's Mathers Museum of World Cultures was the very first Lotus venue: On a cool October afternoon in 1994, the festival began on the museum's front porch, with a set of folk music by Andrew Lazaro, a Puerto Rican doctoral student at the IU School of...

2015 Lotus Blossoms — Featured Artists

This year's featured artists represent five countries (Finland, Japan, the U.S., Uganda, and Indonesia) and four continents (Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa). 2015 Lotus Blossoms programming takes place in February and March. If you are interested in bringing...

Sponsor Spotlight: Donors Come through for Lotus Blossoms

In addition to our presenting sponsor, the Raymond Foundation -- and the local businesses who step up to help underwrite our outreach – the Lotus Blossoms sponsor list includes many “Adopt-a-School” donors, all of whom want to help bring the Lotus experience of world...