Volunteer Profile: Bill Holladay

How did you first hear about the Lotus organization
Lee told us about the very first one, which we attended. Been volunteering ever since the following week or so.

What initially inspired you to volunteer for our organization?
The first Lotus Festival was such a vibrant, exciting evening of music and community that it COULD NOT be a one-time event. I wanted to do my part to make sure it happened again.

What volunteer jobs have you performed?
Originally wrote fundraising proposals, and moved on from there to serve on the marketing committee. Helped write and edit the program guides for many years. Have written several brochures over the years. For Lotus Blossoms, I’ve done various set-up and tear-down jobs, and for the past few years I’ve participated as a demonstrator with the Indiana Limestone Symposium, showing kids at the Bazaar how much fun it is to carve limestone. For the Festival, I’ve been a shuttle driver, airport runner, and general factotum, but mostly I’ve managed the signage crew.

Which volunteer experiences have you most enjoyed?  Why?
Signage crew. We have a great team. We get along well, we take pride in contributing to the overall “streetscape” of the Festival, and we enjoy solving whatever new challenges arise each year.

How would you describe to a friend why they should attend or volunteer for the Lotus Festival?
I have said it before, but it still holds true. The Festival is like a giant party for the city of Bloomington. Attending the party is great fun: You see a lot of friends, you hear great music, you get a real sense of community in the streets. And when you volunteer, it’s like you’re one of the hosts of the party: Yes, you may work hard, but you get the satisfaction of seeing everyone having such a great time, and knowing that you helped make that happen.

What is your favorite Lotus moment (favorite band, street scene, etc)?
It’s hard to pick a favorite out of so many. One of the best, though, was on a warm evening when the Mammals were playing on the outdoor stage on Fourth Street (no tent). They were performing some lively number or other, and I was fairly close to the stage, really getting into the music. At one point I happened to look around behind me, and it looked like the entire block was filled with people. An enormous moon was rising behind them, and every single face was smiling.


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